Padron Cigars have been launched in India, and is available through our website at
Padron Cigars are known throughout the world among Cigar Aficionados as one the best Cigars in the world in terms of taste, construction and its signature draw.
In an event organized by, the founding team unveiled the Cigars with some loud applause from the invited guests, who coudn't wait to get their hands on these wonderful Cigars.
These Cigars are now available to Cigar lovers across India and will be delivered within a time frame of 6 working days. The Cigars are also specially delivered in some wonderful Humidification pouches, so as to keep the Cigars in the best condition possible.
For more information please visit or call 080-41217723 for more details.
Padron Cigars are known throughout the world among Cigar Aficionados as one the best Cigars in the world in terms of taste, construction and its signature draw.
In an event organized by, the founding team unveiled the Cigars with some loud applause from the invited guests, who coudn't wait to get their hands on these wonderful Cigars.
These Cigars are now available to Cigar lovers across India and will be delivered within a time frame of 6 working days. The Cigars are also specially delivered in some wonderful Humidification pouches, so as to keep the Cigars in the best condition possible.
For more information please visit or call 080-41217723 for more details.
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